
For the full list of academic publications, check out my official-webpage, Google Scholar profile.

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Madhu and Marquart et al. “Understanding Compositional Structures in Art Historical Images using Pose and Gaze Priors.” Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2020.

  2. Madhu P., Kosti RV., Bendschus T., Reinhardt C., Maier A.: Computer Vision Understanding of Narrative Strategies on Greek Vases 48th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (Oxford, UK, April 14, 2020 - April 17, 2020) In: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2020

  3. Madhu P., Kosti RV., Bendschus T., Reinhardt C., Bell P., Christlein V., Maier A.: Deep Learning based Attribute Representation in Ancient Vase Paintings Digital Humanities 2020 - Intersections/Carrefours (Ottawa, Canada, July 22, 2020 - July 24, 2020) In: Digital Humanities 2020 - Intersections/Carrefours 2020

  4. Madhu P., Kosti RV., Mührenberg L., Bell P., Maier A., Christlein V.: Recognizing Characters in Art History Using Deep Learning SUMAC 2019 - The 1st workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents (Nice, October 21, 2019 - October 25, 2019) In: Recognizing Characters in Art History Using Deep Learning 2019 DOI: 10.1145/3347317.3357242

  5. Madhu, Prathmesh R., and Manjunath V. Joshi. “Digital Heritage Reconstruction Using Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution.” Heritage Preservation. Springer, Singapore, 2018. 67-86.